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Soundbite: Bank Holidays

Part time holidays and holiday issues can cause headaches for employers and employees alike. If you’re struggling to grapple with contractual holiday entitlement, especially when we have an extra Bank Holiday this year, contact us for advice on calculations, policies and employment law. #employmentlawuk #bankholidayentitlement

Soundbite: P&O face criticism & negative publicity following their decision to dismiss 800 staff with no notice

P&O have reportedly sacked 800 staff with immediate effect, saying that they plan to replace all staff with agency staff.  Staff reported that they were given no notice and escorted off their ships with immediate effect, being told that cheaper alternatives would take up their… Read More »Soundbite: P&O face criticism & negative publicity following their decision to dismiss 800 staff with no notice

Why employers should check internal policies and take care over use of surveillance against employees

Soundbite: Employment Tribunal finds a dismissal unfair and discriminatory where employer used surveillance in justifying dismissal and failed to seek medical advice in accordance with its internal policy.  #employmentlaw This article looks at the case in more detail, including whether it is reasonable for an… Read More »Why employers should check internal policies and take care over use of surveillance against employees